Contessa Avocado Egg Rolls

Growing up, I always heard my mother refer to avocados as “pears”.  The version of the avocado I am more familiar with on the island is the larger green avocado, not the smaller, dark purple Hass Avocado. I enjoy the Hass, but I adore the larger “Pear”.  Somehow the good-for-you, fatty, richness of the avocado always complimented, in a very cooling way, whatever traditionally spiced dishes came out of my mother’s kitchen.

My love for avocados was elevated to even higher heights, when I lived in Washington, D.C. As a college student one of my favorite restaurants was a major chain restaurant well known for its Avocado Egg Rolls. It was love at first bite! Since we don’t have that particular restaurant on the Rock, necessity gave birth to this simple recipe that would solve that particular craving!

It’s also a great go-to appetizer to share with my vegetarian friends, and it helps me use up some of the season’s “pears”. Lime and Culantro show up to punch up the guacamole type flavors in this dish. Crispy, warm, and cooling all at the same time! Perfect, summer party food!


2 large ripe Avocados

1 Small  Red Onion

2-3 Stalks of Culantro or the equivalent substitute of Cilantro

1 Tomato diced

1-2 Limes (to taste)

Salt and Pepper to taste

Package of Egg Roll Wrappers

Enough Peanut or Vegetable Oil for Frying

Cut the avocados into large chunks and squeeze the lime juice over it. The lime juice works in two ways here: it protects the flesh of the avocado from oxidizing and turning brown; and it also dials up the overall citrus flavor!

Try to use only enough lime juice to coat and flavor the avocado. You want the flavor of the lime without too much extra moisture. It really is a judgment call. If it needs a bit more lime add it. Remember, you can always add, but you can’t always subtract an ingredient from a dish. Add the juice a little at a time, tasting for overall flavor.

Add the diced red onions, culantro or cilantro, tomato, and salt and pepper to taste. Cover and refrigerate the mixture for a few hours to give the flavors a chance to properly come together.

After you remove it from the refrigerator, check the taste to see if it needs a bit more lime, salt, or other adjustments. This recipe is all to your taste. If it tastes good it IS good.

Take the egg roll wrappers, and turn one corner towards you. It should resemble a diamond more than a square. Place about 2 tablespoons of the filling across the center of the egg roll wrapper.

Pull the corner pointed toward you over the filling. Then pull the side corners over that. If you are looking down on the egg roll it should look like an opened envelope at this point.

Dip your finger in water and run it over the final corners of the egg roll wrapper to help create a seal, then wrap that final corner over the roll and seal.

Heat a pot with enough oil to cover the egg rolls. I prefer to use Peanut Oil. I think it gives the egg roll a better flavor. If not, you can use regular vegetable oil.

Once the oil is hot enough place the egg rolls in and fry until crisp and golden brown. It will only take a few moments to fry nicely. Keep your eyes on them, as they can easily go from golden brown to burned!

Also, these rolls don’t refrigerate well. The moisture from the avocado can make the wonton skin soggy and impossible to fry. As soon as you wrap them, fry them!

Finally, slice the egg rolls in half. You can serve this either with regular Chinese Duck Sauce. Or you can mix up a couple limes with some local honey, add the zest of the limes, and lightly drizzle over the rolls.

Serve hot! And enjoy!!


18 thoughts on “Contessa Avocado Egg Rolls

  1. Can I just say that this recipe is a revelation? I wasn’t going to go to the market this morning, but now I have to go get me some pears. You are so bad for my normal daily intentions; I plan to do all sorts of things and then I read a post like this and EVERYTHING changes!

  2. I found your site totally by accident and I love it!! your recipes are wonderful. I am laughing at your comment about your mom referring to avocados as “pear” she must have had some Guyanese roots!! Growing up in Guyana that was the only pears I knew until I came to Canada. And we also say stew chicken not the other way around, so similar to your culture. Thank you and have a great time cooking!

    1. Oh, Leena, you made my day! This blog is such a labor of love, and it genuinely makes me happy when folks connect with it, and ENJOY it! 🙂 We have such commonalities in our Caribbean experience. It speaks to our shared heritage! I actually have roots in French Guiana! My grandmother was born there, and I have one Uncle who lives I think in Guyana now. It’s on my list of places to visit! 🙂

  3. My parents are Dominican and called them Pears growing up. I want to try this recipe badly with some tamarind chutney. Will report back to you when I do. Thanks again!

  4. Avocados are actually called ‘avocado pear’ or ‘alligator pear’ – in our rush to abbreviate everything, that has been lost.

    As a child I remember the greengrocers always had them labelled ‘avocado pears’.

    And the variety you were talking about is Hass, not Has, from the cultivator, Rudolph Hass.

    1. Thanks for correcting my misspelling, Mike! I’ll make the change. I hope you enjoyed the article and try some of the recipes! If you do, please share with me how they worked for you! And feel free to share this blog! It truly is a labor of love! 🙂

      1. Please! Don’t change a thing! I only know Avocados as Avocados…I don’t understand them as pears except for their shape. Thanks.

  5. Looking for Florida avacado recipes and ran across yours. Going to HAVE to try this, with some of my mango jalapeno dipping sauce 🙂

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